Do not go into a water-damaged house or establishment if structural integrity is in question. Ask experts to check to avoid injuries and further disasters. Do not turn on wet appliances. Keep them unplugged and have qualified technicians check them out if recoverable. Do not use ordinary vacuum cleaners to remove remaining standing water. Use submersible pumps or wet/dry type of vacuum cleaners if available to speed up water damage restoration. Borrow from friends or rent if necessary. Do not handle mold infested furniture, documents and other materials without proper protective gear. Molds are health hazards and can trigger various infections and complications. Do not wait for long periods of time to take action and perform water damage restoration. Mold infestations can grow within hours and would be difficult to clean if exceeds 48 hours.
Grill gloves
بازدید : 434
/ زمان : 4:34: